Pornography, digital intimacy and why AI is the next step.

The incoming boom for AI-Generated content:

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant shift in the way people experience intimacy and sexual gratification. With the rapid advancement of technology, AI-generated models have emerged as a new frontier in the adult entertainment industry. The thesis section of this document explores the key factors contributing to the growing popularity of these digital alternatives to traditional human-based experiences.

First, let's understand why pornography has become an increasingly common form of sexual gratification. One of the primary drivers behind the rise of pornography is accessibility. In today's digital age, high-speed internet and mobile devices have made pornographic content readily available at the click of a button. People can now access a vast array of adult content from anywhere, at any time, without the constraints of physical location or time.

Affordability is central to this rise also. Unlike traditional adult entertainment, which often comes with a hefty price tag, most online pornography is available for free or at a relatively low cost. This has lowered the barrier to access, making it easier for people to explore and indulge in their sexual fantasies without breaking the bank.

Anonymity is also a significant draw for many individuals. Consuming pornography online provides a level of privacy and anonymity that in-person experiences cannot match. Users can explore their desires without the fear of judgment or stigma, which has traditionally deterred many people from engaging with adult content. This anonymity has been a game-changer, enabling individuals to embrace their sexuality more freely.

Moreover, the sheer volume and diversity of online pornographic content caters to a wide range of preferences, fetishes, and fantasies. Build/Shoot it, and they will come (literally).

One thing traditional pornography lacks is intimacy. So we know pornography is on the rise, now what about recent shifts within this space? Unless you have been living under a rock and off-grid in recent years, you will know there has been a huge shift from traditional 'tube' pornography to 'creator-to-fan' pornography, notably with the rise of OnlyFans. OnlyFans was able to solve a huge problem with traditional porn; intimacy, customization and personalization. OnlyFans created a space where users (typically men that are disenfranchised in the modern dating space) are able to experience digital intimacy whilst actually communicating with the models and sometimes being able to request specific content. This is what makes OnlyFans superior to tube pornography. What makes AI-generated content superior to both? All reasons above; accessibility, affordability and anonymity, intimacy, customization and personalization are all either met or exceeded with AI. It is the customization and personalization that makes AI content a home-run. AI-generated models can be customized to suit individual tastes, offering a level of variety that is difficult to achieve with human partners. This abundance of choice has contributed to the growing appeal of AI-based digital intimacy. More on this on the next page.

When you factor in the above reasons for the demand of AI content, and then understand that this content can be delivered with immediate effect and at a very small cost basis both in terms of time and money, then it becomes increasingly apparent that AI-generated partners and models are likely to become front and center of a lot of peoples minds when deciding to consume intimate material. The stage is being set for a platform to host this need.

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