Welcome | Overview 💭

Join our discord or telegram if you want to speak to us. Read these docs to understand the opportunity, product, the milestones and why the time is now.

We're the team behind dreamdates. We develop AI-based digital transformation tools and sell them into companies. Doing this for our own business meant we developed a lot of technology using generative text, image, voice and video.

The adult world is going to be fast to jump on this, and we've seen this coming.

For over a year, we've been in the trenches, helping companies integrate AI into their workflows. Now, we're taking all those lessons learned and creating something truly mind-blowing with dreamdates.

We're here to push boundaries, empower creators, and give users personalized experiences they've never had before. The following document is split into three sections, detailed briefly here: Thesis - why current forces are crafting a perfect landscape for an AI-generated adult platform. We approach this section like a formal writing, analysing the driving forces and giving context to why we are building dreamdates. dreamdates.ai - This is presented as the answer to the opportunity; we detail what the platform will look like, what the tech involves and the rotue forward to making it happen. Token - We outline why there is a token attached to this platform, how it will be used and the tokenomics of $DATE.

Read our docs, understand the mission, join the community.

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